Saturday, November 15, 2014
Saturday, May 3, 2014
As the Body of Christ, are we praying against these spirits at work in our children?
Nowadays, although we still have liberty in our country to
read our Bibles, use our personal belongings while in public, we now have to be careful when walking in the
street-using our cell phones??? The new negative behavioral trend now, aside from randomly punching
people in the head, is snatching cell phones out of folk’s hands when their
phones are visible to others.
Kids/youth today are more and more
desensitized to the value of life, consideration, due diligence, love, family
and respect. They’re bored/idle/neglected/thirsty/hungry/empty/lost & easily
influenced/pressured into engaging in incomprehensive/destructive & dangerous
activities “just for the fun of it.” They’re
not armed with the mighty weapon of God-His
The enemy can easily infiltrate them
through these areas of desensitization-through their emotions, identity, vulnerability, esteem,
dysfunctionality and psyche. The enemy also comes in the form of medicine, drugs, negative peer pressure, familial issues & generational patterns, and other substances. Many of young villagers have lost (or never
learned) the art of engaging in constructive activities such as writing,
reading for fun/relaxation, using their hands and minds for creativeness,
building & crafting, sporting, socialization, etc.
Beloved, children in today’s
society are not practicing self-control, healthy-critical reasoning/thought
before action. It seems as if a spirit of suicide/mental illness
& lack of impulse control is possessing/ruling their thoughts and emotions.
I termed it ‘spirit’ because, it’s
not that every one of them is diagnosed with some type of disability but they mimic
the behavior of those with mental disabilities/developmental disabilities. The
act of suicide is more prevalent today than ever before. It’s an easy way out
and immediately contemplated.
When I’m speaking with, mentoring,
counseling and coaching children and youth, I oft explored their thought
process to find out what they actually think about before engaging in harmful (toward
self & others) behavior. I often ask if and/or what they consider before
they exhibit negative behaviors and if they consider the consequences and
ramifications. The overarching theme that they respond with is, get this, “I was bored” “I don’t know” “No,
I don’t think” “It seem fun at the time” and so on. It seemed like the only
thing they’re more concerned about is getting caught” But not how their
behavior will affect others! Sad! Selah!
Just sharing one of the issues I am
praying about. These are some of the issue I address within my goddaughters’
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
It’s Not Me! So Let Me Out!
Some people are born artists. Period! Our society sometimes frown/shone on/at the artistic side of human beings and try to fit them into a prescribed mapped out 'ideal' career or education tract. This is one of the reasons why so many of us are unhappy at our jobs, because simply put, “It’s not us” or we have trouble adjusting or discontent but since we have to make a living…and the fact that we have been conditioned to think that WE HAVE to always settle and fall into the system because we have to work at doing something. But we as parents who are whole and know better, understand that we have to raise up a child in THE WAY THAT HE/SHE SHOULD GO, OH come on somebody, I bet you never applied this scripture to this area right?
- But I want you to know that you and I can Get Our Life Back!And for those who made have made mistakes or had outstanding obstacles, there is a season to get back on track! The life God originallyordained, purposed, engrafted, gifted, talented andempowered us to live, even if it doesn’t fit into the ‘norm’ and as long as it’s pleasing to God! Amen. I’m fin to set someone free today! This message came to me first and I’m sharing it with you because it was meant for me to release and bless others. They’re trying to tell you that your name is Toby and you are trying to tell ‘them’ “No, it’s Kunta Kinte.
- Pick up your copy of my first book "Let Me Out!" and be encouraged by my testimonials and Godly wisdom on overcoming obstacles, ruts, dens, valleys, mountains, miry clay, storms hills, bottom of a wine press experiences …. to allowing God lift you and liberate you and then you will see the plan of God and what He has anointed you for down here, on Earth, as it is in Heaven! Go go ahead and let yourself out by the hand of God to start walking by faith-walking on water, going to new places as God leads you, stepping our of fear, networking outside you normal circles, coming our of your shell, achieving your dreams, goals, exploring your talents and gifts, get ready to spread your wings! You can also download the Kindle version for $8.99 and $9.99 at
If you're interested in coaching to help you navigate and press through distractions, issues, dilemmas, contact me at: E-mail:
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